Understanding & Managing Stress


Provides an understanding of stress and shares strategies and tools to notice and release stress, to promote greater calm and wellbeing.

Some years ago the accepted narrative about stress was that it was good for you, kept you motivated or“on it”, and improved your performance. Those who got “stressed” were regarded as somehow weaker or ‘less than’ those who apparently don’t.

The damage done by stress not only to our performance but also to all aspects of our health is now well recognised. We get irritable, tired, anxious can’t think clearly, lack creativity and find it more difficult to work collaboratively., all of which impact performance, results and morale.

However, much can be done not just to alleviate stress, but also to build abilities and skills that support our overall wellbeing replacing a culture of stress and burnout with one that benefits all aspects of work.

This workshop examines the concept of stress, explains the science of what happens in our brain and body, and how stress impacts how we think, feel and behave. Taking into account the new work challenges many of us are facing, it explores ways to build clarity and good self-care habits, to bring back stability and structure, and minimise unnecessary pressure.

Participants will leave the workshop inspired with ways to dial down the pressure, adapt more easily to the way things are, and support each other in staying cool, calm and connected.

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What people say:

Dr B has a great audience appeal. She is able to relate to stress in a personal way with professional solutions. I trust her recommendations and overview on office stress and mental health in general.

- Participant at Emso Asset Management

Fantastic session. I've been to 'stress workshops' before and not enjoyed them. Being largely based in science and factual really made this one different for me.

- Participant at Reed Smith

Key Outputs: 

  • Provides an understanding of what stress is, the triggers and symptoms

  • Shares strategies to develop greater clarity and calm

  • Provides easily implementable tools to take away and start practicing

  • Fosters shared connection and understanding amongst participants