Talking About Race


A black daughter and white mother in conversation about the realities of racial disparity.

The summer of 2020 saw an explosion of events that put the spotlight on police brutality and racial bias against Black people. Bold anti-racist statements were made by many white voices, including people in the public eye, CEOs, creatives and the media. One year on, where are we? And where are you? Secretly relieved that the whole thing has died down? Aware that there is so much more to do but not sure what? Actively taking anti-racist action?

In this live event, mental health lead Dr B and her daughter Ndella, use their relationship as a white mother and a black child, not to give glib answers or quick-fix solutions, but to ask questions and speak openly about uncomfortable truths between white and Black people.

Mixing personal stories, reflections, interactivity and data, the intention of this conversation is to inspire and encourage participants to more confidently and curiously interrogate the realities of racial disparity.

“Yesterday I was clever and I tried to change the world. Today I am wiser and I start to change myself.”

Key Outputs: 

  • Confronts the reality of racial disparity and racism

  • Challenges us to consider our role in the pervasion of racism

  • Supports safe, open, and real conversations

  • Empowers participants to challenge current beliefs and realities

  • Fosters a shared sense of connection amongst the group