Staying Connected & Nurturing My ‘Why’


Explains the importance of connecting with others to our psychological wellbeing, and how to foster a greater sense of connection to our ‘why’.

Of the four main types of human energy, the one that offers us the most protection, the most important battery to keep well topped up in order to maintain good psychological wellbeing, is the social/spiritual. This is particularly true in times of hardship or undue pressure.

A strong sense of self is rooted in a strong sense of connection, belonging and purpose. These basics of our wellbeing can get swept away in the rush of juggling conflicting needs, the pressure to achieve and the focus on meeting targets. But without them even very successful people come adrift.

In particular, purpose is presented here not as something elusive we wish we could find but as a rudder that we consciously create as a function of our imagination, intellect and intention.

In this workshop we explore the importance of connecting with people to whom we matter and who matter to us. We look at each of the four “P’s” that are our powerhouse (purpose, passion, possibility and perseverance).

We examine workaholism, getting stuck in damaging work patterns when we already feel rubbish, and conversely the importance of making time and space to laugh, learn, and do things that we love to do just for fun. This includes celebrating small wins, befriending ourselves and defining what ‘success’ means personally.

Key Outputs: 

  • Emphasises the importance of social connection

  • Provides inspiration to re-evaluate the importance we place on this aspect of our lives

  • Empowers participants to make more time for the things that bring them joy

  • Fosters a shared sense of connection amongst the group