New for 2021
As we look forwards to a new year, we’ve developed some new wellbeing webinars to support your people and business to remain well.

Brings awareness to the status of burnout as a signifiant work-related illness, highlights the signs and symptoms and shares strategies to prevent it.
Offers strategies for moving from despair to action, so we can make a difference towards our future on this planet
Shares a toolkit of ways of not only surviving grief (in all its forms), but living well alongside it.
Explains the importance of connecting with others to our psychological wellbeing, and how to foster a greater sense of connection to our ‘why’.
Provides a rethink of what resilience is and how to cultivate it, based on some of the latest developments in our understanding of human psychology and neurobiology.
A black daughter and white mother in conversation about the realities of racial disparity.
Explains the legal requirement to create a psychologically safe working environment, and the actions everyone in the organisation can take to achieve this.
Explains the critical role of inter-personal trust and why it matters for working well together.
Teaches how to get back on track with healthy eating, after any adverse impact that the pandemic may have had on our eating habits.