Dialling Down Anxiety


Provides an understanding of what anxiety is, where it comes from and strategies to support feelings of greater calm and balance.

Uncertainty and change can make anyone feel anxious. Awareness of global developments such as the pandemic and climate crisis understandably makes a lot of us feel more on edge than usual. Whilst a bit of worry is manageable and may even seem to give us a desirable ‘edge’, if this tips too far we can end up in an anxiety spiral.

In addition to blocking our ability to think straight, feeling anxious too much of the time erodes our sense of self, makes us feel that we are the ones who are at fault, has an impact on our physical health and can truly get in the way of someone fulfilling their abilities. What practical steps can we take to dial down anxiety and enhance a beneficial state of mind for ourselves and for others?

In this workshop we examine what is anxiety, what causes it and what is its impact. We look at the underlying mechanisms and what happens in brain and body, and importantly what we can do to dial down the pressure when it gets too much.

The workshop shares support strategies for adapting to new situations and building structures that support us and explains the key protective factors that enhance our overall wellbeing.


Key Outputs

  • Delivers an understanding of anxiety’s impact and what can cause it

  • Empowers participants with knowledge of what you can do to help yourself and help others

  • Provides some basic tools to start being more balanced, clear-headed and connected

  • Minimises feeling of overwhelm

  • Promotes shared connection and understanding with others