From Procrastination, to Motivation


Explains the science of procrastination and shares how to nip this in the bud and become more effective in 6 easy steps.

Procrastination is an act of delaying something that always has a negative impact on our life. None of us are immune to procrastination, it sneaks up on us all!

It might sound harmless but this avoidance behavior can prevent you from achieving your professional goals and life dreams. And when it comes to health, procrastination even has the potential to be life threatening (we sadly all have heard these stories of little ailments that with procrastination have turned into serious health issues because they were not dealt with in time).

The real danger is that procrastination can become a habit that is very difficult to break.

On a positive note, there are simple ways to overcome procrastination but this requires some understanding and a little self-discipline.

Join us in this workshop to have a look at the science of procrastination and get some tangible advice on how to create simple anti-procrastination habits. This workshop is anchored in science and will offer you simple, tangible and efficient strategies to do the right things at the right time and in the right way.

We will first look at how and why we procrastinate to set the scene, but most importantly we will introduce the motivation equation, a scientific approach to anti-procrastination. We will explore 6 tips to nip procrastination in the bud and with a little practice to break this habit and replace it with effortless efficiency for a healthier, happier and more successful life.

You will have the opportunity to identify your procrastination triggers and design the strategy that works for you to "Get S*** Done" !

Key Outputs

  • Provides an understanding of your procrastination triggers

  • Shares 6 anti-procrastination tips

  • Explains the habits of highly effective people

  • Teaches how to stay motivated, even when you really don’t feel like it