Fostering Resilient Teams
Designed to support Managers and Leaders with the knowledge and practical strategies to grow resilient, energised and motivated teams.
Team resilience is the capacity of a group of people to respond to change and disruption in a flexible and innovative manner. In the face of adversity, resilient teams maintain their work productivity while minimizing the emotional toll on team members. They are more innovative, proactive, and collaborative, excellent problem solvers and work through conflict.
Team resilience depends on personal individual resilience levels but also on how well resilience is fostered within the group and also the amount of stress, change, set-backs the team is experiencing at a given time. Out of these 3 elements, the only thing leaders can control is their own behaviours.
Fostering resilient teams is truly about daily behaviours, habits and communication styles focussed on creating an environment that minimises emotional resilience drains and gives opportunities to recharge.. boost team's spirit, energy and motivation.
The session is anchored in science and very practical so that participants leave with a good understanding of what low resilience looks like, how change affects resilience and most importantly with a set of tools to foster better resilience within their teams.
The session is organised around 3 themes:
1- Signs of low resilience:
We will look at the behavioural signs of low resilience, especially when people are facing changes and uncertainties. This will allow you, leaders, to spot the team members you particularly need to support.
2- Manage your inner leader: the message
Resilient behaviour is contagious, leading by example is a great way to foster resilience within your teams. We will cover 3 leadership/behavioural tools to demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity and change, that will have a ripple effect on your teams.
3- Resilient communication: how to deliver the message
The way we engage with others systematically has a positive or negative impact on their resilience. We will focus here on how to engage with your teams more efficiently in order to help them manage themselves and remain strong in the face of stress, challenge and adversity.
Fostering resilience within people around you is a life skill as well as business skill. On top of addressing this powerful leadership skill, participants will leave with a set of tools they can apply in their daily life too.
This session works as an ideal follow-on to our workshop on developing personal resilience, click here to read the overview of this.