Seasonal Affective Disorder: Eat to Beat the Winter Blues


Teaches what Seasonal Affective Disorder is and how healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices and boost your mood.

The cold dark days of winter have the power to leave anyone feeling down. However, for some, the strain of winter can result in depression, darkness and gloom. It’s thought that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is more than just a case of ‘winter blues’, and can manifest as lethargy, low concentration, motivation, changes in sleep patterns and appetite.

Whilst a visit to your GP is recommended if you’re struggling to cope, there are a range of simple diet and lifestyle measures to support mood and alleviate that dread of the darker months.

In this seminar you will learn about the signs and symptoms of SAD and the key foods and nutrients to optimise mood, energy, brainpower and concentration. We’ll also take a look at the role of the gut, our ‘second brain’ – and how nutrition can support your gut health and mood.

We’ll explore how to improve our relationship with food and manage those winter cravings, and explain the food and mood chemicals - serotonin, dopamine, melatonin. The workshop also explains what your circadian rhythm is and eating for a better sleep pattern.

We’ll also look at supplements for SAD and whether these are fact or fad and share some lifestyle tips and simple hacks to regain motivation in life. Finally we will share some easy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas to boost your mood.

Key Outputs

  • Explains and demystifies what SAD is

  • Shares the signs and symptoms to look out for

  • Provides insight on how nutrition can support your mood

  • Gives practical meal suggestions

NutritionGuest UserWorkshop