Growth Through Adversity
Shares practical steps to help us remain balanced and calm and build the characteristics of growth in the face of challenge and adversity.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet said ..”nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.” More recently neuroscientists and psychologists are exploring how we process information, and how we interpret and make meaning of that information. This underpins how we construct our understandings of our inner worlds and the world around us, and it influences our sense of self. This sense of self becomes particularly important when we are dealing with challenging or potentially damaging life events.
What influences the ways in which we see and experience things and how does this alter how we are affected by hard times, such as a global pandemic? How do the ways we are fed information, and the ways our own inner processes interact with that information, alter the impact on us personally? Is there a way that leads us forward personally and together, able to recognise and build the characteristics of growth in the wake of difficulty?
In this session, Dr. B draws on her 40 plus years experience of supporting others to look at some of these questions. We’ll look at saying it like it is: the importance of being realistic and honest about where we are, and how we interpret and make meaning out of our experiences.
The workshop also explores the importance of the stories we tell ourselves and get told, and how to maintain balance, adapt to change, and stay well in our inner worlds.
Participants will leave understanding how we are equipped to deal with difficulty, what helps us find balance and calm, and how personal growth and learning can be cultivated from challenging circumstances.
Key Outputs:
Equips participants with the tools to boost resilience and personal growth through adversity
Supports participants to cultivate balance and calm
Empowers participants with knowledge of the inherent strengths they already have
Fosters a sense of shared experience and connection between the group