Supporting Your Immune System


Explores how to give yourself the best chance of staying well.

Our immune system plays a vital role in our health, and works by recognising and eliminating invading and foreign cells that could cause us harm including bacteria, parasites and viruses. When we are run down and the immune system is under pressure, we may be more susceptible to infections, catching a cold or the latest virus. Winter and moving into Spring, is a particularly common time for people to catch cold and flu because our immune systems may have been burdened over the winter months.

If you are feeling run-down or noticed a reoccurring cold or flu, there is a great deal that we can do with nutritional and lifestyle inventions that can help support and modulate the immune system. This workshop explains what the immune system really is and explores how food and nutrients can support the immune system and fight off illness. The workshop also considers how lifestyle factors can help to support overall health.

Participants will leave the workshop armed with knowledge of how they can best support themselves to remain well and healthy, and if they should fall ill with a cold or flu, how to recuperate. 


What people say

The presenters were fantastic, very knowledgeable and realistic goals that we can all adhere too. Polished presenters with an engaging style and very informative, and simple to follow. Thoroughly enjoyable talk we will definitely be looking to welcoming them back in the not too distant future. Thanks – Participant at The Portman Estate

Key Outputs: 

  • Considers the importance of the gut in maintaining overall health and how to support gut balance

  • Looks at healthy and nourishing food options that can boost immunity

  • Explores how imbalance in other lifestyle areas can affect susceptibility to colds and flu

  • Gives recuperation tips for colds and flu