Mindfulness 101


Teaches the basics of what mindfulness is, the benefits and how to begin your own practice.

Over the last decade, mindfulness has moved from being a fringe activity to being an essential part of a successful person’s toolkit. Growing volumes of credible research point to its benefits in terms of being cognitively focussed, emotionally balanced and personally fulfilled, as well as its potential to promote better wellbeing, performance and relationships.

Whilst practising a range of mindfulness techniques is not a panacea for all ills, what it does bring is the possibility for greater self awareness, an ability to, ‘in the moment’, recognise our own patterns and make different choices about how we deal with and respond to what life throws at us. This awareness can help us untangle ourselves from the knots we can get tied up in our heads.

Through regular practice parts of the brain change for the better, which means that we are more able to regulate our emotional responses and be less reactive. As a deeper sense of self evolves, we feel more grounded and less blown around by the events of life. All these things contribute to our mental wellbeing, to feeling ok about ourselves and to our ability to work well together.

In this workshop we define the term mindfulness and debunk the myths. We explore the underlying science and how mindfulness benefits the brain and body and examine its role in counter-acting stress and bringing balance and clarity. We also take a look at how it benefits focus and attention, communication, presence and leadership.

Finally we experience the practice and share a practical step by step introduction to setting up a regular practice.


What people say:

Great presenting and interaction with group, very inspiring and clear to follow and also well-paced. - Participant at PHD

Key Outputs

  • Provides a thorough understanding of what mindfulness is, and what it isn’t

  • Delivers experience of what it feels like to practice mindfulness

  • Empowers participants to begin their own mindfulness practice

  • Decreases feelings of stress and anxiety and increases connection with others and overall wellbeing