Embracing Difference


Provides an unusual and practical spin on Inclusion and Diversity, sharing research and strategies to embrace differences in order to grow together.

Our brain naturally motivates us to connect with others and rewards us when we do. This is the result of thousands of years of evolution because it is these connections that allowed us, humans, to survive, to create and to thrive.

Our brain has sadly been evolving at a much slower pace than our society. We are basically living with paleolitic brains in the 21st century and this is presenting huge barriers in the way we engage with others.

In this session, we will discuss how our brain constantly tries to prevent us from engaging with change, novelty and difference and tips us into an "avoidant" motivation system as soon as we do.

This avoidance system is the reason why we prioritise engagement with what is familiar and why many corporations are suffering from sillo-organisation.

We will introduce the "Approach" motivation system that is based on acceptance and curiosity and explain how this is beneficial for individuals as much as it is for corporations.

Curiosity is a trait of character that we can cultivate and grow for ourselves but that we can also try to foster in our teams. We will share the latest pieces of research and a few tips to foster the desire to engage with the unfamiliar, to get out of our comfort zone and to embrace differences in order to grow together.


Steph was amazing! Her session was engaging and inspiring with such great practical tips! Please pass on our sincere thanks for her energy and hard work! We had fantastic feedback from the HR community there were 70+ attendees.

Key Outputs

  • Explains the science of how our brains are wired to avoid change, novelty and difference

  • Promotes a more open and curious outlook

  • Shares practical strategies to embrace the unfamiliar

  • Fosters connection, creativity, and wellbeing