Well Woman: the Menopause 


Takes an in-depth look at the signs and symptoms of the menopause and shares practical guidance on nutrition and lifestyle to help minimise their negative impact. 

Almost all women go through the natural process of the menopause. When a woman’s menstrual periods stop, her ovaries cease producing eggs and her oestrogen levels gradually decline, which triggers the onset of menopause.

Unfortunately, for many women, the menopause can be a time of great anxiety, distress and physical discomfort due to the various symptoms that can accompany the drop in oestrogen. Hot flushes and night sweats are the main menopausal symptoms and these, together with poor memory, poor concentration and loss of confidence, result in many women feeling anxious and depressed, which can lead to a difficult and problematic time for women, particularly in the workplace.

According to Wellbeing of Women, a charity which funds vital medical research on the menopause, 25% of women going through the menopause had considered leaving work because of their experiences. 

During this workshop delivered by an expert Nutritionist, we will explore what the menopause is and why it happens, and signpost the symptoms of menopause & peri-menopause. The workshop moves on to explore some of the treatment options available including HRT and other considerations including Thyroid, Adrenals & Testing. 

The workshop concludes with sharing practical nutrition guidance for the menopause & peri-menopause, along with lifestyle advice to thrive. 

This workshop is relevant for women of all ages, not just those currently experiencing the menopause. It is also relevant for their male associates too, who when empowered with the knowledge are able to manage difficult situations more effectively in the workplace.

This workshop works as a standalone session when booked in isolation however it can form part of 4 workshop series going into more detail on sleep, gut health and sugar consumption for mid-life women, please contact us to find out more.

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Key Outputs 

  • Debunks some of the myths and misunderstandings around the menopause 

  • Empowers participants with the knowledge of the signs and symptoms to look out for 

  • Reduces feelings of anxiety by discussing what to expect and how to best support yourself 

  • Shares practical guidance on nutrition and lifestyle to help minimise the negative impact of symptoms