Secrets to a Healthy Heart


Teaches the importance of taking care of our heart and how to protect our cardiovascular health.

Our heart is the most precious organ we have and is vital to every aspect of health. Unfortunately Coronary Heart Disease remains the number 1 killer in the UK, over half of all adults in England have raised cholesterol, whilst 1 in 3 have high blood pressure.

It’s easy to take our heart health for granted, and by making a few simple tweaks to our diet and lifestyle we can help to protect our cardiovascular health and achieve long and healthy lives. The workshop teaches why heart health is a number one priority and shares foods & lifestyle factors which raise and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The workshop demystifies fats and supplements fo heart health and provides practical strategies and food swaps for following a heart friendly diet.

Participants will leave the workshop empowered with the knowledge of how to take better care of their heart health.


Key Outputs:

  • Provides an understanding of the importance of taking care of our heart

  • Shares practical strategies for following a heart friendly diet

  • Provides recipes to support a healthy heart

  • Shares a guide to eating out, with top choices to optimise cardiovascular health