The Awesome Responsibility
Instils the importance and huge opportunity of a position of leadership, and shares how to lead in an authentic way.
We all have different perspectives, strengths, blind spots and communication styles. The perception of what makes a great leader varies from person to person, making it a constant challenge to nurture and respond to the needs of individuals. And it is this collection of diverse individuals who are ultimately responsible for the success or otherwise of our businesses.
The moment you are given the opportunity to lead an individual, a team or a business, you have the potential to do enormous good or irreparable harm. Most examples of poor leadership aren’t malicious. They are unintentional.
This introductory workshop works as a standalone session when booked in isolation however it can form part of a more in depth four module series, click here to find out more.
In this workshop, we explore the awesome responsibility of being a leader and how important it is that your daily behaviour sets the tone and direction for your people. This involves creating an environment of psychological safety and enabling leaders to unlock the power of fearless authenticity.
This workshop is applicable to leaders at every level throughout the organisation.
This workshop forms the introductory module of a 4-part training course, The Art of Leadership. This is an extended training and development programme that reframes leadership and encourages each participant to explore, develop and implement their own unique style of positive, empowering leadership.
Key learning objectives
Empowers managers and leaders to become an authentic leader
Distills some of the myths that exist around what a ‘good’ leader is
Inspires participants to become a beacon for positive behaviour and change
Fosters a sense of shared connection