Design Your Best Year Yet


Provides a realistic appraisal and approach to creating new positive habits and achieving goals.

To many people, making resolutions for a better life is a yearly ritual. It requires you to identify the areas of your life that need changes and affect them. The only problem is that we often find ourselves back doing those things we swore we would give up or not doing those things we committed to. And before we know it, our goals slowly become a distant reality.

When there is no solid strategy to fuel these goals, they fade into oblivion and in their place is burgeoning cynicism, guilt and self-doubt. As Einstein said "insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result"

This workshop is an easy recipe to start doing little things differently and effortlessly in order to create a happier, calmer, more balanced and fulfilling year for yourself.

We will dive into science to understand the 4 critical domains in your life that with relatively small efforts, will start bringing considerable positive change in your life. For each of these domains, you will learn a practice or strategy that requires very little of your time or commitment. The idea is not to add tasks to your already packed to-do list but to do things differently.

You will learn simple tricks to stay motivated and to keep your eyes on the prize!

You will leave the session with a 10 minute/day recipe to feel calmer, stronger, more optimistic and more confident.

When you start changing how you feel with so little effort, you become more resilient and empowered to take on the world and to make this year extraordinary!

Key Outputs

  • Teaches the positive habits of resilient, optimistic and confident people

  • Shares techniques to stay motivated and aligned with your goals

  • Boosts confidence and likelihood of achieving goals

  • Provides a 10 minute per day recipe for a great year