Sign Up
Here you can find details of the workshops planned for your Wellbeing Programme. You can sign up now by clicking the links below.
This page will be refreshed regularly as new workshops are announced.
Please note places will be offered on a first come first served basis, if you miss out then just email us at and we’ll add you to the waiting list .
You will receive a confirmation email when you sign up asking you to add the session to your calendar. If for any reason you’re unable to make it then please let us know.
Should you have any questions at all, then please contact the Work Well Being team on
Learning to Thrive with Dr B
Webinar: 19th June, 16.00-17.00
Rejoin Dr Barbara Mariposa to learn some easily mastered tools to charge up, perform well and recover quickly.
There’s an essential difference between thriving and surviving. It’s easy to move from day to day in survival mode with little awareness of what we miss out on along the way.
At the heart of moving to a state of optimal wellbeing is an awareness and understanding of how to master your human energy. This workshop explains the four main types of human energy, and the underlying science of how to optimise and deploy them. You will come away with a clearer understanding of what drains and boosts your mental and emotional energy, along with easily mastered tools to charge up, perform well and recover quickly.
Dr Barbara Mariposa is a thought leader in the field of wellbeing, emotional intelligence, mental health, mindfulness, leadership, presence and the science that brings all these things together.
Mindfulness 101 with Steph Peltier
Workshop: 17th July, 13.00-14.00
Join us to learn how to live your life with a Mindful edge, reaping all the benefits of Mindfulness without adding an extra wellbeing-practice to your to do list.
Mindfulness is everywhere. It has made its way into the corporate world, the education & health systems, the influencers networks and even athletes training centres. It is no surprise that it is practiced by the most powerful and successful people around the globe… because its benefits are amazing!
This workshop will provide you with all you need to know about Mindfulness, exploring its origins, the science behind it and the benefits: from stress management to boosting your performance, improving your relationships with others and enhancing your happiness and physical health. You will leave with a thorough overview of what Mindfulness is and a myriad of practical techniques that you can easily integrate in your daily life.
Steph Peltier, an expert in the Science of Happiness and a certified Mindfulness and Positive Neuroplasticity Training (PNT) coach.
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