Wellbeing Audit

Our Wellbeing Audit is designed to help you understand the need and role for employee wellbeing in your business, and help to shape a solid wellbeing strategy and programme.

By truly understanding the context in which a wellbeing programme will sit and shaping a solution which uniquely addresses your employee needs, does real cultural change take place.

Our Wellbeing Audit serve four purposes:

  • To identify areas where people need support with their health and wellbeing

  • To identify what topics and support people are interested in

  • To benchmark where people are at with their wellbeing, establishing metrics to be monitored

  • To identify any organisational factors that may be influencing wellbeing

The output of the survey is a detailed report, highlighting key areas for focus and our recommendations for how to increase employee health and happiness, and therefore engagement and business success.


If you’d like to find out more about our Wellbeing Audit, then get in touch today.