Wellbeing Dates for Your Diary


To inspire employees to thrive, here's a round-up of up-coming awareness days with ideas for how to champion these in your business.

Know Your Numbers Week
w/c 9th September

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke, so it’s important to know your blood pressure numbers to live a long and healthy life.

Activation Idea - Height, Weight, BMI & Blood Pressure Checks

Nurse-led 10 min individual consultations with advice on why and how to maintain a normal blood pressure and how to ensure BMI is within the recommended range.


Go Sober for October

Go Sober for October encourages people to go booze-free for the 31 days of October and raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Activation Idea - Mindful Drinking Workshop

This 60 min workshop examines our relationship with alcohol and how to have a more conscious approach to drinking. Can be delivered in person at your office or via webinar.


National Cholesterol Month

Cholesterol is often tragically dubbed the ‘silent killer’ because for most people there are no obvious symptoms, which is why October is dedicated to raising awareness of cholesterol.

Activation Idea - Cholesterol Checks

A quick & pain free pinprick blood test undertaken by fully qualified medical professionals, to confirm the amount of cholesterol in the blood, delivered along with advice on how to better manage cholesterol.


National Work Life Week
w/c 7th October

National Work Life Week is Working Families’ annual initiative that gives employers the chance to showcase how they provide work life balance for their staff.

Activation Idea - Supporting Working Parents Workshop

This 60 min workshop provides a toolkit of support to enable working parents to boost resilience and enhance their health wellbeing.


World Mental Health Day
w/c 10th October

The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10 October every year. This year's theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is suicide prevention.

Activation Idea - Making Sense of Mental Health Workshop

This 60 min workshop aims to make participants better informed and more comfortable in addressing mental health and ill-health, and looks at what we can all do to help ourselves and others.

Contact us to find out more about any of the activation ideas and book.

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