National Stress Awareness Day - 6th November


With the increasing demands and pace of life in a rapidly changing world, the word “stress” is everywhere, but often misused. 


The state of stress is when the demands placed upon you outstrip both the external and the internal resources that you have available to meet these pressures. 

Stress is a major drain on both personal and business resources, but much can be done to not just alleviate it but build abilities and skills on personal and organisational levels that generate a healthy working environment. 

National Stress Awareness Day is a great opportunity to consider how to support your employees to better understand and manage stress.

We have a number of workshops to enable to you join the conversation about stress.

Understanding & Managing Stress

Teaches participants how to understand, mitigate and prevent stress, to enhance wellbeing and move from not just coping but flourishing.

Mindfulness 101

Teaches the basics of what mindfulness is, the benefits and how to begin your own practice

How to Destress in the Office

Teaches techniques that to use in the office environment to immediately reduce stress.

Stepping Out of Stress

Teaches the ins and out of stress from biology to neuroscience and shares easy techniques to manage stress and live a healthier, happier life.

Building Resilience

Provides an understanding of how to develop the skill of resilience in order to bounce back more quickly.

Weekly Meditation

Ongoing drop-in guided meditation sessions, providing opportunity to step away from the desk to experience rest and relaxation, returning recharged.

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